Photo credit - Danielle Rumfelt

Hello Darling,

A long while ago I used to do photography and absolutely loved it. Capturing all those sweet life moments for clients was such a joy. But life got wild and crazy so I made the decision to take some time off (7 years) and focus on my family and myself. While life is still crazy, (especially when you have 4 kids) I am back. Doing what I love to help others capture forever while filling my cup.

I have been spending time re-introducing myself to my equipment, stepping outside the box and learning new editing software.

I strive to be the photographer everyone deserves. From quality to budget. That has been at the heart of my work from the start and I will continue to offer that. I strive to work with the community and families, so please do not hesitate to reach and throw out ideas.

Now, just for fun, a little about the lady behind the camera:

- I am married to my gym partner who made me obsessed with lifting weights!

- B3 comes from our long and crazy last name, Bonebrake-Black. I took the full name when we got married and now just call us B3.

- We are a blended family and together have 4 children ranging from 4-13. They get a little more wild the younger they get and always keep me on my toes.

- I have had the honor of being a SAHM throughout my entire motherhood journey, which means everything to me. & I am thankful for the flexibility in being a photographer.

- I have always been obsessed with pictures and used to want a dark room to develop my own pictures... back when that was the cool thing to do.

- I was born and raised in Michigan but have lived in the beautiful mountains of WNC for almost 14 years now.

-I of course encourage families to get pictures but I totally understand getting busy with life. Hence why I am sharing a photo of me from 5 years ago and my family and I haven’t had new pictures since we got married in 2020!

I can't wait to capture more beautiful faces!